12 December 2005


EDIT: I thought of something else, significantly more interesting than most of everything I already entered:
item -- when i wear underwear, i wear them inside out, because my under-areas are covered in very sensitive skin that becomes irritable when abraded by elastic and other non-cotton materials.


I've been infected with a virus [tagged by PinkDot] to reveal 10 things about myself that are otherwise unknown. This is particularly useful, as prior to reading this tag, I was wondering what I would write this morning... I mean I could have come up with something, but probably nothing as interesting.

-- i like Christmas almost as well as Halloween
-- i have never (and still do not) liked my handwriting
-- when i was half my current age, i was also half my current weight
-- until my 2nd year in college i didn't drink cola
-- i hate going to the bathroom
-- i haven't bought myself a pair of shoes in over a year
-- i wanted to be an editor for a living
-- i almost failed h.s. algebra
-- i prefer triangles to any other shape
-- i still take prenatal vitamins

i know, they're lame... but honestly, for the most part, so am i.

i guess i'm going to be cursed or something because i have to break the chain. i don't know enough bloggers (who weren't on the pinkdot list) to tag anyone else.


1 comment:

Katrina said...

I haven't bought myself shoes in a long time, either--I am guilty of putting it off until the bottoms are flapping or the sole falls out! My compulsive shoe-shopping friend, Tracy, just boggles at this behavior.

Unfortunately, my circumspect spending habits don't extend to all areas of my life--scrapbooking supplies, for instance...