27 December 2005

5 down

i started seriously dieting on December 12th... about two weeks before Christmas.

my best present to myself - through the bulk of the season i have lost 5 pounds

my best present from my loving and supportive family - not a single one of them has said a thing about "water weight"

yes, we all know where the five pounds fell from, but the absolute act of love in not voicing it it priceless to me.

the most amusing part - for me at least - is that all through this holiday season, while faced with cookies, treats from vendors, cakes, and a plethora of other sweets... the only things i found myself CRAVING to the point of almost cheating were a McDonald's Big Mac and an order of deep fried cheese curds from A&W. i didn't succumb to either... at least not yet.

my ultimate goal is to lose another 65 pounds.
i hope that none of the clothes i got for Christmas this year will fit me at Christmas next year.
i'd like to be smaller than i was when i started working for this company
(or at least the same size)
i would really really really like to fall into the realm of the "average American woman" rather than several dress sizes above it
ha - i would really really really like to be the size that many people profess to think i am!
most of all, though, i would like to be a healthy weight that will help me keep up with my wonderful daughter, that will help me make it into my 40's, 50's and 60's with a healthier self, and that will help me feel like the woman I know I am

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