10 December 2008


I'm not sure if I'm a zombie or a vampire but I'm definitely dealing with "back from the dead."

I've been miserable sick for the better part of 5 weeks - in varying degrees. My darling husband and I are of the opinion that I've contracted an alien virus.
Halloween was fun - heck Niftober was fun. We had a LOT of stuff planned, did all of it, and it broke me.
By the time November rolled around (the 9th, to be exact) the bottom fell out. Made me miss the Sisters of Mercy concert... the one that I bought the tickets a month in advance for. OH so pissed off over that one.
Thanksgiving was a rough go too - - feeling very poorly and surrounded by a LOT of loud family.
I'm hoping that Christmas will go better... I mean, after nearly 5 weeks I HAVE to be on the mend, right? As I write this, there are Christmas decorations downstairs calling out to me (from boxes stacked in the middle of other stacks of boxes...), a tree that still hasn't been brought up, ONE MEASELY string of lights up on the window (and nothing on any - - ANY - - of the others) and 3 - no 4 - strings of lights on the porch (none on the edges of the house... that's too much like danger).
Don't even get me started on the number of gifts that I don't have wrapped.

OK friends... I will endeavour (because I hate saying "try") to be here more often.