11 July 2007

a Whole New Day

We saw Hairspray last night.
Having been a fan of the original, I was skeptical at first.
I laughed my tail off. It's a good movie.

We took Foo. She loved it too. She was kinda dancing in her seat, but only kinda.
It was her first "in the theater" experience. She was wowed.
I guess I'm going to have to give up my issues with the theater... at least for a while.

On the drive home my husband and I listened to love songs - - even sang along with a few - - and the baby telling us about her evening.

We got home late.

Pretty much went right to bed, and I still woke up exhausted.
I have 8 reports to run this week. And some meetings. And a lunch date today.


Kimmer said...

How cool!! I totally want to see the new film, even though I LOVED the old one. This is one that I wish our community theater would do! Just to give 'big girls' like me a chance at a lead role!!


Kimba said...

I'm so jealous!! I love the original, so I'm glad to hear you didn't hate the new one. Sooo excited to see this!