06 July 2007

Oh How I Miss...

::: Update :::
I was drastically outbid.
I flat out refuse to pay more than $75 for even the most notorious of nostalgia items.
Particularly for an alarm clock.
Maybe next time.

:: UPDATE ::
I just placed a bid on this on e-bay.
wish me luck.
i could just cry...

...my singing chicken alarm clock.
I think it might have been called the "rock n roll chicken alarm clock".
In the most rockin' annoying voice he would call, in the morning, "Hey baby wake up, come and dance with me - wooooow, yeeeah"
It got left behind when I left England the last time.
When I left on the promise that I would be called back.

He never sent that back to me.

I found one, recently, sold on e-bay for $150. I wouldn't be surprised if he were the seller.


If any of you out there ever has the odd opportunity to do business with, or even just happen to meet a tall gawky Kevin Goodings, a Norwich boy with a dopey grin and an otherwise decent attitude, ask him to send Nif her chicken alarm clock back... or at least to apologize for never having mailed it.


1 comment:

Kimba said...

I miss that alarm clock too, and it wasn't even mine! Everytime I'm out somewhere & see alarm clocks like that I always try to find one for you. I hope you win the Ebay one!