28 November 2005

tree (and other holiday decor) update

what i'm up to
in an effort to dispel any rumors that i am not a holiday (in particular Christmas) person, i have brought in the tinsel and snowman heads for my halloween tree... what's more, i've realised that a little tinsel and a few snowman heads are NOT going to do it for getting me into the spirit of the season when i spend eightandahalf hours in a putty cell, so i've decided that sometime this week (though not this afternoon/evening - more on that later) i have to go to the store to get something to make a tree skirt, some CHRISTMAS colored lights (as opposed to just the orange ones) and a few more ornaments, as well as some little bits for my Secret Santa recipient (almost wrote receivee - ugh!) and something to decorate the window of my office (my secret wish would be to have curtains and lights and make it look like a real window, but probably i'll settle for some lights and possibly some ornaments)...

why i can't go out this afternoon/evening
friday our friend C (K's honey) came by to drop off some stuff for my husband. he rather pointedly noted that boogety-boo, the home version of the halloween tree, and several other halloweeney elements are still adorning the front porch. yes, I know, UGH, but honestly, when it's a matter of choosing between dehalloweening the porch or splitting more wood to ensure more fireplace fun through the rest of the winter, 9.9 times out of ten i'm going to choose the latter.

unfortunately, without serious recostuming (and a new head) there's no way i'm going to be able to christmasify the front porch as it stands (not to mention my mom would skin me before she'd allow all that stuff to stay out there...) so...

because the forecast says today is going to peak at about 60 degrees (and tomorrow is going to peak sometime after midnight at about 40) this afternoon is going to be a crunch session in removing halloween and installing christmas (garlands, wreaths, and possibly the old xmas tree) on the porch before the evil cold comes calling.

woo hoo!

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