08 November 2005


I thought about titling this ice-box (too regional) or refrigerator (too generic) or even frigidaire (too nostalgic) so I settled for the chrome standard.

My office is cold. Not MY office so much, because I have two incandescent lamps running and my door shut and even that's only enough to take the edge of the chill off the air. With the door open, it's absolutely unliveable in here... unless you're a polar bear... or maybe a harp seal.

Did I mention that I'm dressed in tights, shoes, long trousers, an undershirt and a sweater?

And that I'm still cold???


Probably if I were able to work (someone somewhere decided to lock me out of the network that all of my work and templates are stored on) I could use it to distract me from the cold, alas...

In the meantime, I'm working on my Thanksgiving menu (I'm cooking the whole meal this year) and possibly even a decor-scheme. I shudder to think of what I might concoct if I were a stay at home mom...

Anywho - that's my morning outlook...


Anonymous said...

Be thankful that --due to pregnancy and nursing-- you still retain your insulating layer of (a difficult word to say, let alone hear) blubber. You would have lost digits weeks ago were it not for your body's sense of self-preservation.

Yes, my office space is also heated up to 2 degrees Kelvin. _I_ wear sweaters and long-sleeved shirts.


.....I long for one of Jacko's warm (although not clicking) overcoats to snuggle into.....


PS--The word for the day is "fnlzty".

This is when 'fin' finally entirely freezes over and 911 rescue types must rescue her.

m said...

You know, I've NEVER made the Thanksgiving meal? I'm a little afraid to make the turkey - I haven't even seen the process. We're going to MIL's this year. It's a potluck, so I get to bring somehthing - so I'm not completely lazy....