21 November 2005


reduce reuse recycle

relax refresh renew

reexamine redefine rearrange

rather rinse repeat

enough oblique poetry

i started with the original 3 r's because i'm lazy
my husband and i "installed" a halloween tree (black and stick-i-liscious with orange lights) in my office over a month ago. i'm fortunate enough to work with a slew of brilliantly tolerant and creative people, most of whom enjoy decorating for the holidays - ALL OF THEM - and put up with my scant, meager, ridiculous excuse for a grave yard scene - replete with black tree of twigs (doom).

i didn't want to take it down by myself. it's unwieldy at best. i know i got at least one splinter putting it up.

so, genius i am, i turned it into my thanksgiving tree. it's decorated, now, still with the orange lights and 29 little black flags, one for each day of the month so far, each bearing the date and a little something i'm thankful for.

it's populated with people i love, elements of my personality that have really helped me through some rough days, and people who possess traits that i admire, and the crazy silly little things that make life bearable enough to get through another day.

(it's been a tough year, on the tail of a tough year, on the tail of a year of extreme change - little things are EXTREMELY underrated!)

i'm continuing with the 3 r's because I love a challenge
in just over a week, i'm going to re-purpose my tree again (relying even more heavily on the creative sensibilities of my co-workers) when it sheds its leaves of gratitude and dons silvery tinsel garland (and still orange lights) and the daily additions of snowman head ornaments

i'm thinking that january can be a month of memories leading up to my birthday
february a month of things i love

1 comment:

m said...

A thankful tree - that's a good idea - I may just do that...

happy Thanksgiving!