04 November 2005


If, 5 years ago, you were to have asked me how marriage and a child could change one's life, I would have had a fairly decent answer - composed by someone who had never been married or had a child.

If you had asked me on the eve of my wedding what I thought my married life would be like, I probably would have had the same answer most women inches away from being wives would say.

Two years and a couple months later, truth be told, I don't know that I could explain to someone what being married is like. It's mercurial. No two minutes are really the same. ESPECIALLY when you are a parent.

I do know - for better or worse - that it is not what I expected two years and a couple of months ago. It's not what I reasoned through 5 years ago... and most likely, it won't be what I imagine 5 minutes from now.

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