18 November 2005


muscle - all day yesterday i couldn't figure out why my thighs were tight and sore, like i'd worked out. this morning it hit me. wednesday we had a fire drill and everyone on the floor (the 9th floor for me) had to walk down the emergency exit stairs to get to our safe place. 9 flights of stairs (even only going down) is a long way for someone unaccustomed to stairs

mental - it's been over a week since i have slept soundly through the night. my dreams are becoming more antagonistic. it's getting more difficult to focus on simple tasks at work without falling prey to just about any small distraction. and i'm sure if you asked my family they'd tell you that i'm just a little edgier than normal. i've also been absolutely FREEZING for the past week. i have a suspicion or two as to where the origins of the sleeplessness lie, and i'm working on coming to terms with these issues (not only for sleep's sake, but so that i can just have them straight in my head). i'll post an update (probably in bright circus colors) when i finally have a good night's sleep.

moral - i'm not sure if this qualifies for anything, having never read the Harry Potter slew of literature, but i took a whirl with the funky talking hat, and he told me that i should be a member of the RavenClaw house. probably he wouldn't have said that if they'd offered Cat as a pet of choice... so yeah, not sure if being a RavenClaw is indicative of any sort of moral fatigue, but if it is, it makes sense. babble babble babble

i'm going to pack up and call it a day. spend some early time with the baby and probably take a nice long nap.

1 comment:

m said...

I hope you are able to sleep better soon. Sleep seems to be the heal-all, doesn't it?

Oh, and I did the "sorting" too - I'm in Gryffindor house. Heh.