11 November 2005

gold sky friday

There are three significant bonuses to waking up before most of the world on weekday mornings.

First - it means that my work day starts before my daughter is even awake for the day, and I can get home with enough time before dinner for us to play.

Second - it ensures that I'll wake early on the weekends as well, buying me extra time to read or just lounge and watch the baby sleep - AND I'm awake enough to concentrate on making breakfast for the family while most of them are still dreaming

Third - very often sunrises in this part of Michigan are beautiful. Right now, looking out my window, down the hall, and out the window of someone with more clout than I, I can see a mauve and ochre sky warming itself in the morning sun... hovering above the frost nipped and still leafy autumn trees of the city where I work.

I can also see an AMAZING string of traffic flowing from the northern suburbs into the city, and if I REALLY REALLY strain to listen, I can almost hear the grumbley curses, and the hope-filled sighs of "I just have to make it o n e m o r e d a y..." of the commuters.

j u s t

o n e

m o r e

d a y...

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