30 November 2005

front porch versus office

it's not exactly godzilla versus mothra, but the principle is the same

take two exceptionally un-alike and unlikely things and face them off in head to head battle until one "wins" and the other runs away to fight again the next time the wind shifts

as unlikely as it might seem, Monday night was a balmy 60 some degrees here in (arctic) Michigan. my husband and i denuded the front porch of every last vestige of the halloween and strung up the pre-lit garlands my mother and i made last year. we would have put up the beautiful pre-lit wreathes mom and i made too - if only mom and i had made them... it was a year of not-enough-time.

my office is always a balmy 60 some degrees (unless i keep the door closed for something around an hour and a half, in which case it jumps up to a tropical 70 - 75 degrees and NEVER a smidgen higher) and i have yet to do anything more than four paper snowflakes and a tree skirt cum flannel baby blanket around the bottom of the tree. (more on that later)

porch - 1
office - 0.5

tonight (possibly) my husband and i will be excavating the old (flea-bitten) fake tree that was never pre-lit, but had enough painful hours spent on lighting it that we never bothered taking it apart, but relegated it, fully assembled and strung, to the basement for storage, and moving it up to the front porch for even more decor. more, we may even be pulling up the log-made snowfolk as well (i'll try to bring in and post a photo of that one...)

porch - 2

i meant to decorate my office tree and window today. i left the string of happy-go-pukey colored lights at home in a bag somewhere so i can't put them on the tree, and without the lights on first, all the rest of the decorating would be ridiculous. i can't hang the pretty little white/silver-gold/pearl ball ornaments, because bonehead that i am, i never got any fishing line (or even ribbon) , and think they would look stupid hanging from sewing thread taped to the wall.

office - 0.5 *still

tomorrow will be a better day, i'm sure. AND if i can find my cute little fake-limbed wreath, i might just be able to even the score.

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