11 August 2005


I can't remember the last time I was this tired and not S-I-C-K.

I DRAGGED myself out of bed this morning... almost literally. Head throbbing, shoulders aching, throat skrtichy, and eyes as bleary as they would be after a night - years ago - of drinking, dancing, and otherwise mis-behaving.

Work has been a chore of Herculean proportions - just keeping my focus keen and my temper in check. Fortunately, there are a handful of folks around here who can ALWAYS make me smile (or even laugh) and a larger network of supportive people who make sure I get e-mails that keep me from going over the edge!

I'm going straight home tonight... no work on my grandmother's house. I'm going to swim with my daughter (I think) and take the time to make a yummy dinner for the household.

And when I've finally got all of the day behind me and out of my head, I am going to drift off into EXTREMELY peaceful sleep...

Until tomorrow starts all over again.


m said...

I hope you feel better soon!

Kassi Gilbert said...

It will get better...4 weeks!! there is a light at the end of the tunnel...