22 August 2005

Skipped Ahead

OK - I cheated. Generally I don't lay aside one book in order to read another, but I was recenly loaned a copy of The Kite Runner, and when I'm loaned a book, I like to return it as soon as is humanly possible. So I let my mom (the speed reaeder) have it for two days, and I read it on the road yesterday (long story, a DIFFERENT post).

This was a profoundly moving book.
It's full of the human condition.
It's pregnant with self-actualization.
It's resplendent with sadness.

I cried a few times - something I don't usually do. I laughed a few times... but not in mirth... it was laughter in spite of itself.

This is a wonderful book to read to remind you of the glories in your life... the big and small ones. It is a book to teach one's self a new measure of humility.

It left me feeling somewhat empty, but sublimely full at the same time.

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