23 August 2005

The Weekend

At first I thought - " Hmm, a nice weekend getaway in Northern Wisconsin, to attend the wedding of the daughter of my dad's oldest and probably best friend, that sounds nice."

That was before I knew how miserably far away Northern Wisconsin IS from southeast Michigan.

That was before I considered that it was orange cone season.

That was before I remembered that even a short trip - like to the grocery story - increases in complication factor EXPONENTIALLY when you have a 16 month old child with you.

We left somewhat after I got home from work on Friday. I'll say we left sometime near 5.
11 and 1/2 hours later we pulled up to the motel (yes, with an M).

On the window of the front office (a separate building from the actual rooms) there was a Budweiser sign, welcoming fishermen. On the door of said front office were two numbers to dial if you required help with anything - like, oh, checking in.

We were probably in the room by 4 (CDT) which was 5 my time. This meant that I had officially been awake 24 hours before any hope of going to sleep. It's been a long time since the last time I was awake for 24 hours... and THEN I was having fun...

Ok - so Saturday was pretty nice - slept in somewhat, had pretty weather, a decent breakfast, discovered that I had misplaced my ATM/debit card (YIKES!) pretty wedding, happy and well behaved daughter, occasional bouts of sleep-deprivation-induced Foul Mood, scenic route to video store, quick visit to Dairy Queen (YUM!) and relatively early to bed. It was pretty nice.

We had a plan for the drive home. We were DECIDEDLY going to make more stops, take care of our own fueling needs as much as the mini-van's (a rental - mercifully, brilliantly, decided upon by my mother who realised how horribly uncomfortable a long, cramped, trip would be). We even decided to take another route home - so as to avoid many of the construction woes we encountered on the way "to."

We were making pretty good time. It looked a lot like we'd be home sometime between midnight and 1... which would have allowed a decent (though not optimal) amount of sleep before my 4:30 or 5:00 am work alarm.

Then we hit THIS... which was pretty horrible. The last line, however, says it all... well, almost all. We spent 2 hours trying to move about a half a mile. really.

We got home at about half past three. By the time things were put away, the baby brought to bed, and I got settled in to sleep, I had about an hour and a half left for sleep. And that was "sleeping in" allowing myself no time for anything more than feeding the cat, throwing on clothes, and walking out the door.

I feel much better today. I got an excellent night's sleep last night (the weather even cooperated, being cool and breezy enough to sleep with the windows open!) and I'm ready to face the day!

1 comment:

Kassi Gilbert said...

Ugh how horrid! I'm glad that you are back to normal levels of rest though.