04 March 2005

Love Plus One

ha ha ha - i amuse me

I had my hair cut yesterday... about 8 inches removed.

My family likes it. The only other person who has seen it didn't notice.

He's the security guard at my office building.

I like it too... I probably should have said that already.

It's funny... as my new hair was taking shape, I could feel the tension slipping out of my shoulders and neck. It was as if my stress, like Samson's strength, was housed in my hair.

The girl styled it wrong... I'm a no fuss kind of hair-wearer, and she spent about a half an hour using mousse and blow-drier to make my hair straight with a flip - ugh. But, it made her feel good (I could tell) and I didn't mind having someone play with my new stress-free head for a while.

1 comment:

Kassi Gilbert said...

I can't wait to see your new hair! Or at least your same hair shortened. I am sure that you feel much freer! And at any rate, a trip to the salon usually always cheers me up!