28 August 2006


holy cats - where did august go?

i'm trying so hard to get everything in... so much to do and so little time... and yet each week is monthlong in my head. and while i'm cursing the fleeting summer, i'm secretly wishing the week away so that i can be focusing on vacation. (i'm leaving on saturday the 9th).

my reading list is still an arm's length, so much more i want to digest, and where oh where is the time to read? i can't seem to get in more than a couple of pages at a time - - well, not that and eat and sleep and tend to the baby and live a little, and oh - of course - that whole having to work that so very gets in the way!

i have to do some of that right now - actually.

p.s. did i mention that even with friday off, i wasn't really off, and spent the whole day being so busy that it was probably more taxing than being at work?

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