20 March 2006

Funk - and I Don't Mean Music

there's been a lot of funk floating aroung latey... and even some funk-breaking (and i don't mean dance). here in fin-land too...

i'm working on mine by trying to focus on others and desperately attempting to work up the gumption for a real spring-cleaning... and we bought some flowers yesterday... pretty pink ones. not a lot, but enough to brighten the room.

my daughter helps too... her sensitivity, her humor, and her everything else other than the two-year-tantrums that are beginning to kick in.

i think it helps, too, that i have a lot of plans... the kind that i'm not even tempted to run away from.

and definitely the "retail-therapy" of Easter Basket stuffing shopping has very much improved my mood. there is something exceptionally refreshing about buying butt-loads of very fattening (and nice smelling) chocolate goodies and knowing that you're not going to suffer on the scale because none. of. it. is. for. you.!

we'll also be planting our seeds soon. we have all sorts, and i'm a seed junkie... well, actually i'm a green and growing things junkie. sure, it breaks my heart when half of it doesn't do what i'd prefer it to do, but honestly, how much can you greive a wasting bean plant?

OH - and I think i may have discovered the source of the phantom cigarette smoke. thanks to an online forum peopled by a lot of other smoke smell sufferers, many of whom have been diagnosed with "deep sinus infections". apparently, according to their ENT's, the smell is my brain picking up on the smell of the infection. many of them are reporting "losing the smell" after a round or two of anitbiotics. yes, of course, i intend to discuss this possibility thoroughly with my doctor(s), but just knowing that people out there have found a reasonable explanation has significantly brightened my mood.

and finally, the folks on Michigan Radio (which I can now only listen to on my commute) tell me that today is the first day of spring. So - happy spring to you all... with bright (and warm) wishes for a funk-free season!

love love love...

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