24 March 2006

bizarro world day

move the green magnet to friday, glory be

there were no maniacs on the drive in today. there were actually very few cars in general on the drive in today. i decided that this was because much of the rest of the working class also has "finnitis" but, unlike me, decided to call in sick because they know winter is almost over for this side of the calendar, and hardly anyone ever believes you that you're sick in the spring or summer without a doctor's note because everyone needs to have a non-pre-planned day off just because the air is sweet and the sun is shining and damn it just feels good to not have to go in to that building and pretend i care for another 8 hours.

i think i have a mild sinus infection, and there's a part of me that really wants to go to my docoffice and get a z-pack and be done with it. the other part of me - - the part that was raised by a hypochondriac - - is worried (as i always am unless i'm at death's door) that it's not really a sinus infection, but merely a snotty nose and a bad headache and stiff neck and that if i just rest and relax through the weekend, i'll be fine by monday and that the people at my docoffice will explain to me that it's not a siunus infection and that i should just get some rest, and then think that i'm a genetically predisposed hypochondirac too and will never take me seriously again, even when i'm at death's door the next time. i don't second guess myself about everything like this. honestly. it's just that i HATE spending the time and money to go to the doctor's office when i'm not really sick

like, today, for example, i don't have a fever... so it can't be a BAD sinus infection, right? but then, aren't you supposed to go to the doctor EARLY in an illness to nip it in the bud before it gets to be some horrible weed of an illness??? truly, i never know what to do.

it doesn't help that this is the first year in many - - possibly as many as five - - that i've returned to being that ridiculous nagging half-sick, under the weather, slight malaise, kind of sick all season long instead of having one really big bout of utterly miserable and then back in the saddle after a couple of weeks kind of illness. as much as the latter kicks my ass, it beats the whiney whimpery ass-wipe feeling of getting sick once and holding on to it for the rest of the bad-health season.

why can't we just get a good dose of warm weather and healing sunshine and be done with it?

and wouldn't it be nice if i could shoot laser beams out of my eye sockets and (temporarily) smite the pains in the ass of the world?

have a nice day.

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