14 March 2006


looks like award. i shorthanded this little note on my calendar for April 2: "Spring 4Ward". every time i look up to my calendar, what i see is Spring Award and i wonder what i'm winning. it's unnerving.

my family have decided to kill me, i've decided. last night daughter smaked me in the nose with her head, hard enough that i heard something (most likely cartilage) crackle. i bled a bit. my nose (though not bruised) is swollen this morning, though only enough that i can tell. luck. then, this morning, on the perilous trek through the darkened halls, i smacked my middle toe of my right foot on one of the many errant computers we have lying around the house. no, i'm not kidding. everything from the top knuckle to the tip of my toe is numb, which i count as a blessing because i can't imagine how much it would hurt if i could actually feel it.

all this on the heels of a killer migraine yesterday (special nod to the wickedly changing weather in Michigan this week). sunday we passed a bank that said it was 75, yesterday it was definitely in the 70's this is what we have for the rest of the week:

i actually heard on NPR (ok, Michigan Radio) this morning that we should expect between 3 and 5 inches of snow on Thursday/Thursday night.

Pee-Pot! that's all i can say on the matter.

in other news i have a dozen more plastic easter eggs to hand from the ceiling of my office. these have bright colors and happy prints (most are lines and dots, but a few have bunnies and flowers)

i think that's about it for today. until maybe later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying the wind. But everything else can go.