13 February 2006


sorry about friday, things got kind of busy.

i'm looking down the hall and out the window and seeing snow fly, but the detcam doesn't look nearly as grey...

for those of you who don't know, i rather enjoy the snow, so watching it fall all weekend was rather delightful for me. still, i'm glad i don't live along the north-eastern seaboard - ugh!

apart from the magnitude of work on friday, the weekend was relatively peaceful and very pleasant (if cold). so pleasant in fact that i don't have a lot to say about it. how much sleeping in, yummy breakfast, and fun time with the baby does the web really need?

ok - well then, Elmo's coloring book was a blast. i was giddy with watching bright eyes locked in amazement at the stage full of her friends from "jabba jeep" (which we recentlly determined means "Sesame Street" and is not, in fact, the real name of big bird). i was thrilled to witness her clapping in rhythm with the music. i was tickled to experience (first hand) a new version of oscar the pleasant - even if it was only for the duration of a song. we all had a good time (though i suspect i'm the only one of the 3 adults who enjoyed the show itself as much as the show of my daughter watching the show itself - what can i say, i'm a sucker for monsters...) oh sure, she had a few meltdown moments, mostly when she was surrounded by the in-your-face throngs of other small children and their equally nervous and giddy parents, grandparents, and other spoilsome adult staff. she is definitely my child.

today is my friend bo's birthday. i don't know how old she is, i don't really care to ask. she's a bit older than i, but also a bit wiser, friendlier, and heaps more generous. i'm going to go wish her a great day.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Pretty photo!