09 February 2006

and the winner is...

a long long time ago i did a stupid thing at work, and i told my boss i felt so low... like something that lived under a rock... and he asked if i felt like a salamander, and i thought, yeah, that's pretty accurate. then shortly after my incalculable error, i fixed everything, and the recipient of the fixedness called me a rock star.

since then, when i do something wonderful, i call myself an R.S.S. which is short for Rock Star Salamander.

not only when i do these great things, but also when people (of similar ilk and appreciation for the out of the ordinary compliment) do great things, i likewise call them R.S.S.

so today i sent an email to my loving husband, who likes to occasionally receive interesting challenges to his artistic temperament (and who with an artistic temperament doesn't like the occasional challenge?), and asked him to photoshop me up an R.S.S. image or logo (though i'm already finding myself leaning toward the logo).

then it dawned on me, that if i had this piece of artwork, i could turn it (with the assitance of a micro-factory somewhere) into any number of interesting items, even, possibly, pins or some such to distribute to the people of the world when they do those things that make them feel brilliant.

then it dawned on me that i could, with a little hard work and a lot of good PR, turn it into my own awards ceremony - and we could all call them
"the Sallies"!

wouldn't it be loverly?


Kimba said...

So you!! And I can't help but think of Commander Salamander! ha!

Unknown said...

I like your creativity!