31 January 2006

scribble brain

i have a square in the office superbowl pool. one square. my numbers are appalling. i should just send an email to the office now, acknowledging how pleased i am to have been able to assist someone in his or her compilation of a really kick-butt weekend-fun fund

i'm having my friends over again tonight for our once-a-month foray into the world of "the evil around us" and above and beyond the "gifts" i have for two of them, i'm also just really really excited to see them all and share some fun and laughter

my daughter is utterly addicted to Frofy the Sneman (translation - Frosty the Snowman). her stuffed snowman is her all time favorite toy (you know, the one she has to have with her or at least in her line of sight at all times, the one she can't sleep without...), she makes at least one member of the household (usually no fewer than two) sing the song at least 3 times a day, and at 21 months she knows most of the lyrics and can sing them with enough clarity that just about anyone listening would know them as well as she does.
fortunately her addiction isn't so full-blown as to be exclusive, as she still enjoys making mama sing pretty much all the kid songs i can dredge from my memory cells on a fairly regular basis as well

in spite of some recent contraindicators from my body, i have tentatively scheduled myself to donate blood this Thursday. there is still the chance that something like a non-sinking blood drop will disqualify me from sacrifice, but this time, for some reason, i actually feel compelled to participate. when i get a gut feeling like this, i comply.

there are 5 errant sandies (escaped from a 100 calorie snack pack) sitting on my desk. i was unable to find their bag this morning, so I threw them in my pocket and headed out the door. i don't know how many calories they contain, but the little devil on my left shoulder keeps telling me that if they're not in a bag, they're calorie free

i have been passing time over the last week "shopping" for a really awesome valentine's day gift for my husband. i have a couple of things that i think he'll like, but i'm still struggling against that one gift that is bound to make him really happy. ... well, other than that.

i have resolved that this year i am going to send my last three years' history (probably a la pictogramicon mini photo album) to my friend Mausi in Germany. i miss her more than i can frame in words, and i feel like a serious jerk/loser/crumb for not having resumed contact sooner

that's all for today...

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