17 January 2006

bookplates and napping

i napped again last night. not good considering the day i had and the day ahead. 2 hours of sleep to face the monster of a broken report, the additional monster of a report that needs updating, and the third monster (or perhaps just the third head of the one monster?) being all of the remaining reports that i absolutely, positively must deliver by c.o.b. Friday.

no... graciously i do not have to do them all today

depending on how the day pans out, there is a good chance that i will (and i mean WILL) get a couple of the other reports out of the way... even though monster (head) number one looms (with venomous ooze dangling from rows of razor teeth above my head an ever-present but unmentioned threat...).

on the bright side, i woke this morning to find a gift attached to my keys... mildly frustrating not to be able to just push the button and start my car, but i LOVE presents. this one had lustery silver wrapping and a delicious black silky ribbon and - best of all - a book plate on the front. i LOVE bookplates. they're little testaments to permanence. they're mini-deeds. they're delightful yet serious reminders that not only is the book YOURS, but it's so very yours that you didn't even have to sully the page with scrawled initials, or the always smudged scribble of your signature of ownership on one of the leading pages.

my friend K (funny, here i was keen to write KG, which makes me smile because it's one of those license plate words for cagey, which is something she is not... at least not with her friends) sent it home for me with my husband. it was one of the best timed early birthday gifts i have ever received. partly because when i got home yesterday i very plainly wondered when my birthday was coming (and for the first time since my pre-teen years wished the week between then and then away). what's more, even better than the timing, is the book itself - beautifully packaged, and perfectly chosen. it's Memoirs of a Geisha. a book i know i have to read before seeing the movie i - with my passion for production values - desperately want to see.

i'm going to try to get some work done. if i manage enough, i'm thinking i might make it a sick day afternoon and go home and read until my eyes blur and slip into a nap

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