03 January 2006


i had the blessed good fortune of having my husband need to come all the way out to where I work this week... today even. he brought my refrigerator (mini) and microwave up to my office for me, and opened and "installed" them as well.

that was when the good luck ended.

my original thought with the fridge was to stash it under my desk, where the plugs are, and no extension cordage would be required. no room for knees, and hubby had to relocate it to the across the room spot... where there is no cord, and i have no extension cord, so coolness is on hold.

the microwave was, unbeknownst to us, a casualty of careless handlers, and after what we construed to be a horrendous fall, was dented seriously enough that the door didn't open. back in the box, back downstairs to the car, and back to the store where hopefully the understanding folk will accept it as a return and a suitable replacement can be acquired at a similarly reasonable price.

finally with the boxes cleared away and the desk cleaned off and the morning well underway, i decided to put the v. lovely frame i purchased for my daughter's artwork to work. i think it has missing pieces. i had to tape the picture to the mat, and pack the back with a rubber-banded collection of rolodex cards to keep the glass from slipping/tilting back through the almost 1 inch gap between the front of the frame and the back. This is the finished product (complete with flash-back because I didn't have a good shot without the flash on...) :

it's come back now... the luck... i made it good again. at least for a while. and it's not like i can't bring in an extension cord. right?

btw - isn't she GREAT with violet?

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