26 January 2006

lincoln mc sunnyvale and francey pants

today my tea tastes great... i have had a very decent day

i completed two major projects that i didn't think would be as easy as they seemed once i got into them

during lunch (which is technically personal time, but dang doesn't it still feel like you're at work) i blew up my surge protector power strip. no, there weren't any pyrotechnics, but all at once (the same once when the heater, the fridge, the computer, both lights, and the space heater were running at the same time) all things electric stopped, and the mortal silence of non-working machines fell across the office. my first thought was that i had popped a circuit breaker. so, yeah, i had to call the facilities staff (this is a very risky proposition, because if you don't get the right guy, they take away all your "fire hazards"). the guy came up and worked for many minutes on trying to reset the breaker, which yielded no real results. so i asked, in that "pardon-my-ignorance-about-all-things-electrical-but-i'm-a-girl-so-you-have-to" voice if he thought it might be the surge strip. no, he didn't think so, but to humor me he said he'd check just to see. it was the power strip. i could have fixed it myself, without involving "the man".
bah - i don't care... at least my kitchen is up and running again.

the title of the post is to pay the nod to my readers who i don't know who they are... except you Allison, but i liked the sound of francey pants so much that i had to use it. especially because i think that some of your scrapping looks like it goes remarkably well with the phrase "francey pants" (yes, i really do like it that much). i like that i have anonymous friends... i like my not so anonymous ones too... i'd feel utterly miserable if i omitted anyone.
anywho... tonight is the relative end of a rather long period of staying at home and vegging with myself and the baby for a while. no, i'm not running out and around every night like a long long time ago, but the next few weeks have really busied themselves up... friends over on tuesday, a visit to another friend sometime that week, the following week is a witches playing bingo night with my husband (who doesn't know yet that i have decided to go) and a trip to see elmo's coloring book, and a visit from a globe-trotting friend, and probably a weekend birthday party (which means a trip to hallmark sometime sooner than then) and on and on the list goes on... all the way up to valentine's day (for which i hope to have a handmade gift or two already done) and the week after that is my husband's birthday (which means, at the very least, a decadent cake for dessert) and then the month is over already and heck, who knows HOW much time i'll have to kick back in my jammies and relax!

ok - purge complete.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heya Nif,

I am the annonymous "Lincoln" reader. Found your blog through Kimba, and then through Pink Dot. Always glad to see you and your family are doing well.

~Jackie Garren (aka Lady Josey)