24 January 2006

down 10

i did it. i'm down ten more... with only 25 pounds until i hit my first goal

i hippity hopped like mad on friday and saturday and even a little on monday (which would have been more, but the difficulty is significantly increased when your hopping with your 25+ pound daughter on your lap).

my birthday weekend was full of lovely spoiling - from a Sunday Evening comfort dinner at my favorite restaurant (whose website, admittedly, could use some serious upgrading), to a half a day off from work and shopping with the family and a fun "we made it together dinner" and me and mom and baby made cupcakes and strawberry frozen yogurt for dinner... not to mention earrings galore (ok, just two pairs, but they're two really wonderful pairs) and a train case suitcase that i SHALL use for my new jewelry box, and the beginning of my savings for my butt-kick wish-list ice cream machine, and some spending cash.

and what's more - work today has been mostly kind, keeping me busy but not crazy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay for good news and happy birthdays!