09 January 2006

so tired

the baby had a rough night last night - - - right after the cat ratcheted up a real hum-dinger of a hairball

the cat started just after 1am, and i was just drifting back to sleep at about 2 when the baby started in

i didn't really get to sleep, originally, until close to 11 and i didn't really ever get back to sleep after the hairball

i spent most of my early-morning-awake-in-bed time thinking about the ramifications of shaving the cat vs. getting him one of those vet-cones to wear at all times (except while eating).

no - i can't give him laxatone or anything like that... they're all full of corn syrup (to make the cat want to eat them) and my G-man is a diabetic. sigh...

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