14 April 2006


it's been raining again. they tell us that we can possibly expect sunshine this afternoon, but it was deeply wet this morning on my way out to the car, all along the drive, and from the car to the office.

i spent nearly $30 to fill my tiny gas tank this morning. stupid 50 mile drive to the office.

at least i can take my (cold) comfort in the fact that half of the rest of the state doesn't have to work today, so they weren't on the road to get in my way.

i spend a lot of time trying to think about the things i can do, love to do, and would possibly be able to do to make a living that didn't involve working for someone else in a big and far away building. i haven't come up with anything concrete yet. let me know if you come up with anything.

in the meantime, i'm just going to keep clicking and mousing my fingers to the bone.

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