18 April 2006


my cousin makes puppy chow, reindeer food, bunny chow - whatever you want to call it, it's chex and chocolate and peanut butter and powdered sugar sin. i'm on week three at the same weight - some would call it a plateau... i call it having got lazy with too much good food at my finger tips, and here i am with a quater cup of bunny chow that has NOTHING to do with traditional rabbit food sitting in front of me trying to figure out how to lock up the rest so that i can get to it tomorrow but not sooner.

if you can't tell, my will power has taken a significant nose dive (unlike the weight tracker line on my weight loss spreadsheet) and i'm struggling to find a way to get it back. i have actually even considered going bathing suit shopping with my mom to see if that can get my mind back on the goal, but i have a tendency to avoid extreme aversion therapy for as long as possible in situations like this.

so this is my plan for the day. i JUST put the quarter cup of bunny chow up where i can see it, but where i will have to reach to get to it... just to remind me, physically, of what i'm doing before i absent mindedly throw another 30 calories into my mouth. (30 calories is about a half a dozen grapes - or two squares of chow). i'm not going to deny myself the treat... i'm just going to have to stretch it out. i'm going to square up my diet today by having a hearty breakfast (possibly comprised of oatmeal, or maybe some low sugar fruitloops and savor the extra milk) and a decent lunch accompanied by a large salad. then, when i get home, i will make my daughter happy by playing outside with her - which will include at least a long walk, and possibly some hippity hopping. a smart dinner (though i still don't know what it will be) and, i think tonight, an earlier than normal bed time.

it's a nice plan. i will try to stick to it.


The Dog of Freetown said...

I find that the best plans are the ones which are most amenable to sticking. Which, curiously, is precisely the opposite when considering the best pans.

High Power Rocketry said...

: )

Anonymous said...

My willpower has taken a nose dive as well...which is so infuriating. I've been feeling very lazy lately. But unable to kick myself out of it...hopefully the sunshine will cure our ails :)