10 April 2006

opening day - woo hoo

i don't really like baseball, but there's something about the air on opening day... maybe it's just that there are so many people who are taking time off work that there's more air to breathe.

it's supposed to be beautiful today. maybe i'll take my computer out on the front porch, lock up the baby gate, and get some work done outside today. i'm going to be busy this evening, even though i'm not officially working from home, i have a lot to do, and it will just outright suit me a lot better to be doing it than putting it off.

i think they just turned on the air conditioning at my office... either that or the mother ship has just arrived to take us away. the whole building is humming like anything... it's sort of oogie.

i've only just recently realised how much i really enjoy a good salad (as opposed to a few leaves of hacked up iceberg and some carrot shreds). good healthy mixed greens (or as Q says, weeds), some chunks of carrot, celery, beet, radish, pea pods - - or even peas themselves - - and some peppers - bell or otherwise, just really get me going. i find myself thinking about adding things like fennel and jicima and there's always the spectre of fresh fruit as well, and my taste buds sort of light up. it's weird, is all... mostly just weird that i never noticed.

i'm suffering a very ramblesome brain today. i think it's possibly the promise of spring actually sprining and maybe even that in combination with the relative lack of structure my life has had over the past few (sick) weeks. timing and schedule have seemed very arbitrary lately, so everything else has sort of followed suit. it's not horrible... but it is somewhat unnerving.

sigh... i don't think i really have anything substantive to add

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