13 April 2006


i've been tagged for a meme. check out kimba's blog for the rules if you're keen on participating... i'm not overly a fan of anything like chain letters, but i was already sort of trying to figure out what i was going to talk about other than the (beautiful) weather.

Lightning Seeds (All I Want) is playing right now (Radio IO 80's via iTunes). I like it.

Ok - - Meme time - - 6 oddities

- - i wear mismatched socks around the house because i've given up on finding their mates and it doesn't really matter cos no one is going to see them, point, and laugh

- - i love the smell of my cat's paws (except right when he gets out of the "potty box")

- - bubble baths make me itchy - not because of the soap, but because the water seems "dirty" with all that soap in it... i can't feel clean afterward without a shower to rinse off

- - i'm ocd about my paper cash - it not only has to be faced and in denominational order, but when i have (make) the time i also order it according to serial number

- - i hate washing my hair, and i hate the way it feels when it's first clean... i like it better on day two or even three after a wash the best (it's because it's miserably dry from too much chemistry)

- - i'd rather swim in the ocean than a pool

i'm 10 points away from redeeming my coke rewards points for a christmas gift for my mom. since this is about the time of year i usually start christmas shopping, i suppose it's pretty cool to get a head start without having to spend any money.

which is a good thing. i got paid today. i have a negative balance in my checking account (after paying the bills). yes, it's that flippin' miserable. yes, i know we reap what we sow, and i should have been born allergic to plastic just to be kept safe. i'm working on it. the real painful culprit here, though, is mine and my husband's car insurance which went up 19% and 17% respectively since last year. i got some lame response when i asked my agent what was going on... needless to say, i'm pricing elsewhere.

it's beautiful outside. and my work day is officially done.

i'm heading out to enjoy the loveliness and will hopefully have time to leave more tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Try esurance. It is totally saving my life these days.