27 April 2005


Today is my daughter's first birthday.

The people at my office have spent a lot of time taking care of me this year; dealing with my mood swings and emergencies, looking at baby pictures, humoring me when they've heard the SAME story for the gazillionth

So I planned this sort of "thank you for being there for me" lunch for my team, and some select friends who've been with me through the various moments of motherhood, or who just love my daughter enough to be really
angry with me if I hadn't invited them.

It IS NOT a Birthday Party. I'm adamant in that... I DO NOT want my co-workers to feel obliged to do anything Birthday-esque. I figure over the coming years I'm likely to impose on them enough with cookie and candy
sales and all the other crazy things mom's ask of their co-workers for their kids.

At the same time, I'm thinking, I should have thought about some decorations or something... even just a few balloons. Because, well, after all, it IS her Birthday... but at the same time, the invitation said: "To thank you for your support"... so it's a party for them, and - well - quite honestly, I don't need to decorate for them.

Oh bugger... I'm just going to get some pizza, lay it out with some napkins (plates if they're lucky!) and show them where the cupcakes are.

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