12 April 2005

One Woman's Perfume...

...is another woman's poison.

Even though it smells rather nice - in low doses - there is a terror in my heart when I think of what it must be to sit, stand, or walk beside (or heaven forbid, ride the elevator with) the woman who sometimes leaves the ladies room before I come in.

When I arrive there, sometimes, there is a lingering - granted it's pretty - of some woman's perfume.

The only way for that smell to stay there THAT long (these are days when I'm NOT passing someone coming out the door as I am going in) is for her to be wearing way too much of it.


1 comment:

Kassi Gilbert said...

ohhh I hate that too. I get mad headaches from perfume, so I am VERY selective on what I can wear...and it is hard for me to go "testing" for perfumes as I can get a headache from just one smell of the "wrong" one.