07 April 2005

Already a note...

Ok - so this book(A Round Heeled Woman) is great. And amazing. And risque. And funny... I could go on.

Amazing in that I can't believe my mom read it, and then recommended it to me! It has naughty words, adult situations, and an sparkling sense of humor regarding sexuality. At the same time, it's very touching... not so much because of the subject matter but because it's the candid story of a real woman who is funny, and brave, and vulnerable, and seemingly pretty wonderful.

Today I read this bit, and I knew I had to include it here:

Everybody should walk the world drunk. Or in love. Or both.
People smiled. People were pretty, they moved sweetly, spoke softly, and
no one seemed to mind when I drifted from one side of the sidewalk to the other.

It's no real secret that in my pre-mother years I used to "live the life." I am no stranger to a good bottle of wine, or a night of drunken world walking nor enjoying an impromptu conversation with the guy at the end of the bar. This book speaks to me, at least so far, and I cannot wait to talk back!

1 comment:

Kassi Gilbert said...

I'm waiting for what you dreamed about last night!