25 April 2005

After the (snow) Fall

I honestly can't complain much.

I knew the weather was coming, I even prepared for it by rescuing oodles of pretty flowers from our spring garden before the snow flew. And I didn't have anyplace to go in the mess of weather that attacked yesterday.

Still... it was crazy disheartening to know that all my precious little zinnia and poppy seedlings are gone - laid to waste by the cold and snow. I'm still hoping that those that were still germinating will be ok, and prove to be the little Lazarii of my efforts.

Nothing spectacular happened this weekend:
I finished my book - excellent read
I knit-whittled a couple more squares for my daughter's sweater
I made a decent dinner and an excellent one
I had brief visits with my in-laws and my mom's brother and his wife
I got a lot of dishes washed
I spent some much-appreciated time with my husband
Like I said, it was nothing spectacular, but again, nothing horrible... and in fact pretty peaceful.

In spite of the dread without.

I'm going to make some work happen now.

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