26 February 2007

Happy Birthday Hubby

my man turned 33 this weekend.
we kept it quiet, just family (mine, that is - - his are still down south, coming up next week) and simple.

one of the things i realized that i didn't manage to move to the new house yet - - birthday candles. he had to blow out a tea light. how abysmal. it didn't exactly ruin the made-from-scratch yellow cake, but it definitely dimmed my mood. he laughed at it.

that's really the difference between the two of us - - the biggest one anyway - - ok, apart from the boy/girl thing. he's really good at letting the little things slide. me, not so much. in this light, it sounds great, and was really relieving. sometimes it doesn't happen that way. i'm not tallying or anything, but i expect that by the time we're dead, it will all balance out.

oh and i have a giant pimple working its evil way to monstrosity between my upper lip and my nose. meh.

it's ok, i guess. it's monday - - no one expects great things on monday.

besides, if i'm honest with myself, it doesn't really matter, and i'm entirely capable of being happy in spite of it all.


Misty said...

I got crayon candles on my cake~ a pretty ice-cream cake from Baskin Robbins, with pink trimmings, and little plastic hearts. Not exactly as romantic as the cake...
I feel your pain in the zit department. I awoke Tuesday to five painful whiteheads on my left cheek, two on my right cheek, and one in the same place as yours between my upper lip & nose. I never got zits on my cheeks before I was pregnant with Davlin, now that's where they love to have their parties...ugh. The joys of hormones...

Kassi Gilbert said...

Happy Birthday to T.

Kimba said...

Happy belated Birthday to your hubby!