12 February 2007

slowly she turns...

she being the house.
i don't know if it's male or female - - it might actually be one of the first neuters among my collection of stuff.
at any rate, we spent the weekend getting some big steps closer to having all of the flooring project done. the floor that wasn't done is now done: the gap between the dining and living rooms, and the gap between the dining room and kitchen (a very gappy dining room!) are filled in with flooring. the last row of the living room (and the landing at the bottom of the stairs and the coat closet too) is done. all that's left are two thresholds (study and basement stairs) and the baseboards (play room and kitchen) and the quarter round molding. and we seem to have fixed the leak under the kitchen sink.

ok enough of that

we have snow falling and more coming (tomorrow afternoon? evening - night...) it's pretty. i love watching it. it's sad that it might put an end to a pending visit from friends. it's woeful that i'll likely have to battle the idiots who forget, every year, how to drive in it on my way too and from work.

my cousin had her baby this weekend, i didn't get to see them at the hospital, and i'm loathe to put my own baby in the car and drive through the muck to go visit, but i really want to see the little one, and so does my daughter. we'll see.
i have a headache today and don't even really want to write, let alone drive.
yeah, we'll see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm listening to Radio Fintank!