22 February 2007

diagnosing happiness

how do you know you're happy?
what makes it easy for you to see?

used to be I'd borrow a comment from the bare naked ladies and say I was like a cat, and happy made me fat. but i don't want to be that girl anymore.

for me the image of happy is easily bounding up the stairs,
or running along the beach with my daughter,

the idea of happy is being able to shop for new clothes without being depressed
it's the notion of looking forward to getting some sun on a beach vacation
and NOT worrying about me, on the beach, in a swim suit.

the action of happy is laughter and play - -
with my daughter, with my husband.
it's the actual consideration of feeling as sexy as my husband says i am.
it's dancing without getting winded,
and being active without feeling like throwing up.

i have joy in my life, don't get me wrong.
on average i would rate myself as content...

sure i go through the everyday stresses of bill paying and house keeping, and work issues, and family crap, and the state of affairs with the state, and the world - - -

- - but - -

there's so VERY much for me to be grateful for -
my health, and my husband, and my daughter, and my parents, and my friends, and my cat, and my car, and my new house, and my job (even if they DO make me batty sometimes)
when i look at the big picture, those those other things, those stresses and worries can't possibly get me down.

it's just that i have to remind myself
- - diagnose the happiness - -
and move on through the rough patches.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

look at what you got, and don't look at what you've not. I like that.