06 March 2007

Chilly McBlue in Floodland

I'm cold and tired and feeling rather grim, on the overall.
last week Thursday night / Friday morning (1am) we got a call from my mom - - in whose basement most of our stuff is - was - stored - - informing us that there were 6" of ice water (she omitted the ice part) in the basement, and that we needed to get over and help out.

the water was very cold.
a lot of our stuff was in cardboard boxes.
we had television sets and press-wood furniture on the floor
we got cold and wet and spent the better part of the weekend cleaning, sorting, and disposing.

on Sunday my husband reminded me of how lucky we were that we had moved the sofa just a couple of weeks before. the multi-thousand dollar to replace sofa. just thinking about it made my stomach turn, and i agreed that we were indeed lucky.

somehow one of the sump pumps had quit working without notice (AWOL) and the other had slipped out of a "boot" designed to keep it from pumping water INTO the basement.

shudder - 6" of ice water.

now, a lot of our stuff has made it into our basement. oh, yeah, there's a lot more to go, but we're getting there. we still have a lot of going through, and organizing to do (if only i had a few thousand dollars for shelving, i would have library stacks in my basement!)



Kimba said...

Ugh! I'm sooo sorry...what a mess! I highly recommend metal shelves from Home Depot and bins! (We had a water issue last spring thanks to sewage backup from tree roots & have since replaced all cardboard in our basement, so I understand the disaster it could be!) Thank goodness the couch was saved! Hope things get better!

Anonymous said...

Oh that stinks! But you will look back and have a story...trust me, talking from the experience of enduring 2 floods in my living room. Of course, freezing water is an aspect that I did not have to face. God bless!