15 July 2005

Pink Dot's Special K - or - "I second that emotion"

Being a friend of Kassi, I have the crazy wonderful benefit of sometimes being able to figure out her crypticism. It utterly tickles me and works wonders for satisfying my latent detective-y urges.

Anywho -

I have had the privilege of knowing her K for many years... having met (AND developing an immediate crush on) and worked with K during a very bright period of my reckless youth. I have known and loved this person for more years, I think than either of us would care to acknowledge, because, quite frankly, it would mean that we would either have to admit to breaking several child labor laws, or worse, our true ages.

A genuine wit, a person of unquestionable judgment, beautiful morals, unbelievable creativity, breathtaking intelligence, and the embodiment of all things graceful; I have only ever felt absolute delight in the distinct honor of being able to call K one of my best friends.

And now for a true confession:
There is a chance that I will burn in hell (or at least inhabit - most likely in chains - one of hell's brass towers) for the undeniable envy I experience EVERY TIME I think about Kassi being able to spend time with K on a daily basis at work. Fortunately, that will be after I'm dead, and it being too hot to live won't matter much.

1 comment:

Kassi Gilbert said...

Yah for K!