29 July 2005

Done and a regret

I raced through the last pages of Eragon yesterday at lunch... taking a few moments to linger over some of the better passages, but mostly just tearing through the words, packing my head full of all the memories of what the words meant, so that after lunch the message could echo through the remainder of the afternoon.

I really REALLY liked this book.

There are points at which you can tell it's written by a young author. The bad guys are pretty easy to pick out, for example. Still, being something of an optimist as regards the genuine good in people, I am pleased that a 15 year old boy wasn't more adept at hiding his bad-guys. In my opinion, 15 year old boys are meant to be genuine, and not so good at conniving and deceit. It made me smile.

My only regrets about this whole experience are that:
a) I didn't have an uninterrupted, snow-stormy, roaring-fireplace-weekend for reading it
b) I finished it 3 weeks before the next book will be sent to our house... and my mom gets to read it first.

Buy, borrow, or otherwise acquire this book... in all it took me about 5 hours to read. Granted I'm a fast reader, but it's light and lovely and definitely worth the investment.

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