25 July 2005

Breakfast, Work, and Reading

Breakfast today has been (so far) an enormous bag (ok - a sandwich bag, half full) of some ridged, no flavor, potato chips (half stale from the humidity) and a still-too-hot-to-eat styrofoam cup of maple and brown sugar oatmeal. Oh - and the remnants of last night's can of diet coke with lime... and a cup of tea that's currently cooling to a non-molten temp. You'd think I was a bachelor.

Work - 53 days and counting.

I'm deep into Eragon. After attempting to read the book for several evenings in a row (and accomplishing only about a page and a half) I dedicated my daughter's nap times over the weekend to sitting down and reading and have cleared about 150 pages. In total it's about 500 pages. So I figure if I go through it at one hour increments (lunch breaks and nap times) I should be able to finish it sometime this week.

About the book - considering the following, I'd say it's a pretty recommendable read:
a) I do not read fantasy - yet this is a book about elves, magicians, dragons and their riders - and I have not put it down and walked away from it
b) the author (who was 15 when he wrote this book - and - graduated from high school) has a very rewarding vocabulary
c) I think I may have something of a trans-speciel semi-crush on Saphira - one of the main characters - at the very least, suffice to say I think very highly of her....

In other news - the weekend was peaceful and apart from a nasty sinus thingey (which I think may be a recent case of barrometer head) very, very enjoyable.

Next Up - Book Baton

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