22 June 2005

Survivor Guilt

My dad started a second job yesterday.

He was laid off some time ago - in the big auto-worker cuts. He's a skilled tradesman and has a good contract. Part of his contract says that if the company lays him off for more than a year, he goes back to work but not HIS work. So for the past almost 9 months he's been working at a plethora of different jobs; some of them cool (like re-building a barn for a local petting farm after a horrible fire), some of them not so cool (like sweeping the parking lot).

Thing is, while it's cool that he's working, he's only been working 40 hours a week... compared to the 60+ that he used to work.

A big cramp on the paternal finances.

Fortunately my mom is something of a financial genius, and they've been able to survive almost two years of my dad not "working".

Lately, though, things are getting scary for them. So my dad took on a second job. A production job. The kind of job he hasn't had in over 20 years. As a second job.

He's exhausted. Day one beat him up pretty bad. And yeah, I could think to myself, well - it's just because it's just day one, it will get better after a week or two.

But I'm not thinking that... I'm thinking "I could get another job and help them out." I'm thinking, "I could rework my budget again, and find a way to pay my mom for looking after the baby while I'm at work."

No - I haven't been through some traumatic experience like a hurricane or a tsunami or a war... but I DO feel the guilt of one who sits at home, after a day's work, in the loving company of family.


Kassi Gilbert said...

Was that the barn at Maybury state park? We heard of a fire there, it was tragic. Your dad is so cool. I'm glad to know him.

fin said...

Yes, it was the Maybury state park farm. It was a horrible fire, most, if not all, of the animals were lost.
The work they're doing is sponsored by Visteon and the UAW... they do a handful of very nice things as Community Service events.
I think this kind work is good for him - not to mention he gets to spend time outdoors and among animals... how cool is that?

Kassi Gilbert said...

That's so admirable that your dad is involved in the rebuilding of that barn. It was a very tragic loss. We went to the park shortly after the fire occured, many people were very shook up over the tragedy.