16 June 2005

The Man

Yesterday I had lunch with my friend Q to talk her down from the ledge "the man" had set her out onto.

Her rough definition of "the man" (I have since deleted the e-mail containing the ACTUAL definition - mostly for her protection) is: appliances that don't work, stupid nice and well meaning people who can't do their jobs, and faulty cooling systems... and this very important element - things just not doing what they're meant to do.

I've been suffering her "man" a lot myself lately... though in general many of the stupid people plaguing my life are neither nice nor well intentioned.

So the suprise lunch meeting was very pleasant. It gave me a chance to evade the man, to comiserate with a really good friend, and to laugh about the things that always make us laugh so we don't have to worry about them instead. And I got to give her a gift that I had purchased just the night before because when I saw it I thought of her and as far as I'm concerned that's one of the best ways to get a gift for someone.

There's really no story here... just the accomplishment of having turned around a day that was headed south for each of us... yeah, no story, just a happy ending.

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