24 June 2005

Oh No Ozone

WARNING: there is a possibility that this post will sound outright silly to some of you


It's going to be so hot today that it's already been anounced that it's an ozone action day. This means that in spite of my plans, I most likely will NOT be mowing the lawn today... instead probably spending the afternoon (after work) in the pool with my mother, daughter, and possibly husband.

But what can so suck about that?

It means that I'll likely be mowing the lawn on Saturday... unless "they" declare IT an ozone action day too, which would put me back to Sunday... PAJAMA Sunday.

Granted, I don't have to abide by the rules of ozone action day, most no one I know DOES... but in the past, except for the odd emergency, *I* have. It's such a little thing to do to help make a difference.

I'm still not sure.

Today I might break the rules.

The lawn is looking pretty manky... like, on the verge of uncontrollable in a day or two... and it's actually been long enough since the last summer rain that it might be dry enough to suck up into the collection bins instead of gumming up in the cutting area and the first half of the sucky-uppey tube. It's supposed to rain on Saturday... (I even heard SOME reports calling for rain today) and that would NOT do.

I think I might break the rules.


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