10 June 2005

Self Discovery...

I am a control freak.

This is not news to anyone who knows me. Sometimes it surprises me - even though I know me pretty well - but not much.

I have recently discovered new facets of my freakdom, however, while dealing with the insurance folk.

facet 1
I am able to allow others to do things that are not really all that pleasant
Case in point
Yesterday my father and my husband and I stripped my car of all the good/usable/meaningful stuff still in or on it. I didn't do much of it myself, and the only direction I felt compelled to give was - "if it looks like junk, it probably is, and you can leave it."

facet 2
I REALLY do not like to wait for information.
Case -
I have been all but hounding the folks at the body shop, the claims adjuster, my claim advisor, and any/every one who might possibly be able to walk me through the maze of insurance claims.
I want information and I want it now.

facet 3 (an amazing one)
My desire for information is stronger than my desire for money.
I know that I will be receiving SOME offer from the insurance company for my destroyed car. I also know that it won't be much (which may be influencing my patience level). I also know that I will probably need to haggle with them to make sure I get something more than a token pittance, as my car is rather weak on the resale value side of things. Anyway... I have been significantly MORE patient with the idea of receiving the check (which won't ever hit MY hands anyway - going instead to the financial company who still, technically, owns my car) than I am with the fact that I desperately want to know how much they plan on offering me. The number is very important to me, not because I'm planning a shopping spree and consider that I will be rolling in cash. No. The number is important to me because it is a piece of the puzzle... it is a determining factor in what steps I am to take next... in my plans for the rest of the month - possibly the rest of the summer... maybe even the rest of the year.
And what's worse... I probably won't get that number until after the weekend... and even then, I am pretty sure it won't be the final number.

I know that I am a control freak because I have a deep loathing for uncertainty.
Not that I don't like surprises... or even occasional spontaneity... that's fine.

I just really don't like it when I don't have any idea of what might be around the corner.

I think I might be becoming boring.


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