29 June 2005


Middle Aged Married Frump

It has dawned on me that this - to much of the world - is who I am.

I am no longer the svelte size 6 in my 20's with too much energy and an insanely high tolerance for a good Gin and Tonic - or four - or more, and the unyielding urge to dance, dance, dance. My entries are not peppered with amusing stories about my sexual partners and our charming banter. I, quite frankly, do not know whether dark blue jeans or sharply creased white cotton (linen?) pants are all the rage this season... though I DO still know enough to understand that the women who actually believe that Khaki can be "pretty" have been sadly misled by too much Sarah Jessica Parker - who doesn't even know how to choose a good color for her hair - thank you!

My life is my family, my household, my cat - who is not named after any fashion designer, but a marauding invader because I thought "Ghengis" would be a cute name for a fuzzy little fluff of kitten. Advice: never name your cat something you do not want him to grow into. My life is my work - not because I have a cool job but because it sustains my family, my household, and my kick ass new car.

My life is a collection of moments: amusing, profound, painful, frustrating, embarrassing, joyous, insightful, intellectual, ridiculous, quiet, parochial, and sometimes even sublime.

With THAT defining my life - I don't need to be 20, I can get by with ONE good G&T every now and again, a pair of comfortable trousers and a mushy soft cotton button down short sleeved shirt, a mean assed cat and the love and support and mutual admiration of my husband, my daughter, and my parents.

1 comment:

Kassi Gilbert said...

Love, you will NEVER be a frump.

Change that to Moderately Aged, Married and Fabulous