14 June 2006


there are two schools, i think, on almost everything... the two that immediately pop into my head right now are:
location location location
timing is everything

since right now my location (office) stinks (especially when i have been desperately hoping to hear those three magic words - - Work. From. Home.) i'm going to focus on timing.

today i received the "reward" (which i didn't really want but they won't let you opt not to accept) from the March of Dimes thingey i did this spring. what is it? a powder blue sweatshirt.

in june.

oh, and did i mention it's powder blue? i'm not entirely opposed to pastels (i used to be) because i can proudly stand and admit my love of pink, in almost all it's shades, and even an occasional pale yellow... (mint green is RIGHT out, however)... but powder blue... U.G.H.

ok - enough negativity.

today i am thankful for:
the fact that i work in a department where i can even whisper about thinking about working from home and not be laughed out of the room

1 comment:

Kimba said...

LOL...sorry to hear you haven't gotten the rewards you're hoping for yet (i.e. working from home). Hope all is well otherwise?