02 June 2006

Good Day Caffeine

i didn't get to sleep until after 11 last night.

no - baby's fine... thanks for the concern....

i'm a stimulation junkie... actually a sensory junkie apparently. my Keirsey temperament sorter says that under extreme stress i will dive into sensory things like tv reruns (uh, nope), over eating (not these days) or card playing (which i think they invented shortly before computer games). i'm not going to tell you which game it was that kept me up late last night (it's culturally cliche and rather embarrassing - - but i will volunteer that it wasn't solitaire). after all that stimulation, however, i was reeling at 10:30 and had to unwind before i could sleep. i read 20 or so pages more of Shantaram (finished the chapter) and drifted off.

it was a good night.

i was rather afraid that i'd be useless today because of it, but actually i've been doing alright. (yes, yes, i know it's not even 8 am and i still have far too many hours to slog my way through before i can prove that i'm doing alright and how can i really even try to convince myself that i'm anywhere NEAR alright when the only reason i'm still vertical is the glory of diet coke?)

but it's friday and the workload SEEMS light today and i have a new computer game at home waiting for me to come and have some fun... how much better do i need to be?

1 comment:

Kimba said...

Oh, you tease! What's the game??